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Billing Method

There are currently three billing methods available. For each of these methods you will receive invoices, the details of which can be configured from the Billing Method screen, by going to the Profile icon > Billing > Billing Method.

Monthly bank transfer

You will be sent an invoice / invoices each month on your billing date (determined by the date on which you switched to a paid account) in respect of the following month’s usage.

Payment can be made into SimplePay’s bank account, the details of which can be found on invoices and statements.

Annual bank transfer pre-payment (10% discount)

You will be sent one invoice, which covers the 12 month period following your billing date. This method of payment attracts a 10% discount.

Payment can be made into SimplePay’s bank account, the details of which can be found on invoices and statements.

Monthly credit card payment

Your credit card account will automatically be debited on a monthly basis with the amount of your outstanding balance, which will usually be the amount of your most recent invoice.

If you select this billing method, you will then need to click on the Enter Card Details button, input your card details on the secure modal that opens and click on Save Card Details to complete the capturing of your billing method.

Annual credit card pre-payment (10% discount)

You will be sent one invoice, which covers the 12 month period following your billing date. Your credit card account will then be automatically debited with the amount on your invoice. This method of payment attracts a 10% discount.

If you select this billing method, you will then need to click on the Enter Card Details button, input your card details on the secure modal that opens and click on Save Card Details to complete the capturing of your billing method.