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Commission (Monthly / Non-Monthly)

SimplePay has built-in items to accommodate the special tax and reporting requirements related to commission. It is important to distinguish between regular monthly commission and irregular non-monthly commission, as these are treated differently for CPF and reporting purposes. Monthly Commission is classified as Ordinary Wages (OW), whereas Non-Monthly Commission is classified as Additional Wages (AW).

Monthly Commission

To add monthly commission to the payslip:

  • Go to Employees and select the relevant employee.
  • Click on Add next to Regular Inputs.
  • Select Monthly Commission under Income.
  • Click Save.

To edit the monthly commission amount:

  • Go to the employee’s payslip. To do this, go to Employees and select the relevant employee.
  • Ensure that the correct payslip is selected – refer to the date next to Payslip on the right hand side of the Payroll screen.
  • Click on Monthly Commission under Payslip Inputs.
  • Enter the amount of commission to appear on this month’s payslip.
  • Click Save.

Non-Monthly Commission

To add non-monthly commission to the payslip:

  • Go to Employees and select the relevant employee.
  • Click on Add next to Payslip Inputs.
  • Select Non-Monthly Commission under Income.
  • Enter the amount and click Save.